Trying to keep to my commitment to post daily. I am going to start posting paintings that I did on my trip to the southwest & Colorado last August, and also some from Maine. I'm just getting around to taking photos of all these pieces..... hope you enjoy looking at these!
This first piece was done in mid-afternoon.....not the best time to paint in the desert. It was well over a hundred degrees and the light was so intense that in spite of being under an umbrella and wearing a hat, I felt my eyes were actually in pain from the light reflecting up from the sand.
Lovely work Mary...nice to see you posting again! :)
David you are my inspiration to do this!!
Okay Mary...you need new content!! :) I know, it takes time, and time is being away from the studio! So if you have a ton of orders, I suppose ignoring your blog is a good thing. But if not... :)
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